The Cricket Slouch
A fun cricket podcast by a group of friends, who worship at the altar of the 22-yard strip bookended by 3 sticks. We love to talk cricket, have a laugh, include new people, express some polarising opinions (perhaps) and hope to help spread the word of the sport to far reaching corners. We try to keep it as kosher as we can, but there may be a few expletives every now and then. Huge thanks to Noman W and Umangi H for the brilliant podcast cover art. Tune composed using Garage Band and limited imagination.
The Cricket Slouch
The one about The Growth of Cricket in Africa
Season 2
Episode 18
Greetings to all listeners.
In today's episode, I sit down with Shounak , from Emerging Cricket website, and talk about the rise and growth of cricket in the African region, with special emphasis on its development in Nigeria. We also touch on its decline in Kenya, which is a tragedy in its own right.
Shounak's interview with the Nigerian Cricket Federation president can be found HERE !
A huge thank you to all the listeners for helping The Cricket Slouch cross 3000 unique downloads and for your continued support and patronage over the past couple of years. We truly appreciate it !