The Cricket Slouch
A fun cricket podcast by a group of friends, who worship at the altar of the 22-yard strip bookended by 3 sticks. We love to talk cricket, have a laugh, include new people, express some polarising opinions (perhaps) and hope to help spread the word of the sport to far reaching corners. We try to keep it as kosher as we can, but there may be a few expletives every now and then. Huge thanks to Noman W and Umangi H for the brilliant podcast cover art. Tune composed using Garage Band and limited imagination.
The Cricket Slouch
The One about West Indies' Magnificent Win at The Gabba
Season 2
Episode 19
In this episode Shounak and I capture the joy and the emotions following West Indies magnificent win at The Gabba and what this could mean for the team and the players. Will ths herald the rejuvenation of West Indian Cricket or will this be another false dawn that follows a typical pattern that we have seen in the past.
We then talk about the difficulties they have had with resources, broadcasting, the financial support for the team and the wider ramifications of this win.