The Cricket Slouch
A fun cricket podcast by a group of friends, who worship at the altar of the 22-yard strip bookended by 3 sticks. We love to talk cricket, have a laugh, include new people, express some polarising opinions (perhaps) and hope to help spread the word of the sport to far reaching corners. We try to keep it as kosher as we can, but there may be a few expletives every now and then. Huge thanks to Noman W and Umangi H for the brilliant podcast cover art. Tune composed using Garage Band and limited imagination.
The Cricket Slouch
The One with Kendel and Lachlan on holding a World Record
Season 2
Episode 21
In this episode, I talk to Kendel Kadowaki-Fleming and Lachlan Yamamoto-Lake about their record breaking feat and what it is like to be world record holders, to have that spotlight on you, and what this means to the upcoming generation of players in Japan.
They also discuss various opponents, budding rivalries, the difference in playing International cricket and Grade Cricket, and future aspirations for the Japan national team.
JCL matches are streamed live on their YouTube channel