The Cricket Slouch

2nd Anniversary Edition - Important Milestones in the Evolution of Indian Cricket

S.P Season 2 Episode 23
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00:00:00 | 02:41:37

Welcome everyone to the Seond Anniversary of The Cricket Slouch.

As per tradition, we have done a special episode while the IPL is in full swing, and this time we talk about the important milestones - players, events, administrators - in the evolution of Indian Cricket over the past 5 decades, which was a conscious decision for the sake of brevity. 

Sandeep, Ajit and Rahul share their valuable input, views and insights towards this discussion that spans India's first win in the Windies and England to the doldrums of the 90s to where they stand now in global cricket. From players like Gavaskar and Sardesai to players like Kohli and Bumrah and everyone in between. 

Rahul's latest Snickometer channel can be found here.

The article on Amar Singh and Mohd Nisar is to be found here.

The books mentioned by Sandeep are named Elephant in the Stadium by Anurabha Sengupta, G R Vishwanath's Wrist Assured, and John Wright's Indian Summers, which are all available on Amazon and probably other book retailers too. 


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